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Can you close a business and reopen? How to do it?


Can you close a business and reopen ?: 3 decisive reasons

·        Every company aims to generate profits:

If after six months of opening you do not see fruits and you are already in the red, you will have to do something. Or study a new course.

·        Never let your work become a burden

If it doesn't satisfy you, or if you feel locked in a place that you don't like, seriously consider discontinuing.

·        Know when to change, if your business depends on trends

For example, a fashion that disappears or replaces the one that you target as a brand will cause a resounding fall of your organization and will lead you to the inevitable closure. Continuous renewal is essential.

So don't feel bad if, after having analyzed this, you still decide google my business to go out of business. Even if your illusions were deposited in your organization and you expected to end otherwise. In your mind, everything may have been drawn in a more promising way than you see now. For this reason, you must prepare and learn from your mistakes. Even all the big companies that are trending today have reached the pinnacle of success. Based on having studied the causes of his previous failures.


Three steps to close your business

It is not that complicated. You will always have the support of your accountants and managers. What we will see here are three fundamentals of the process that you should apply in your company.

·        The first thing is the dissolution, especially if you have partners. It is about terminating the link and reviewing the costs that will arrive during the process. If, on the other hand, you are autonomous, everything will be simplified by depending on a unilateral decision, without the need to evaluate or consult with others.

·        In either case, you must close pending operations with suppliers, employees, rentals, and any type of debt. There should be no payments or creditors at closing time.

·        The last of the three main actions you will take is to terminate the company in the corresponding bodies or as a self-employed worker, depending on the situation.

As you will see, you can close a company and reopen, and with this, we take off the weight of having a company that did not bill or simply made us unhappy. How do we continue?

In this type of scenario, you can hear someone say in a dramatic tone, "With everything I've done, look where I ended up." Let's put the drama aside. Clearly, it may seem like you took a hit to your finances and your dreams. But look at it this way: here, where you ended up, is the best place to start over.

And for that, you are here to find out the possibility of knowing if a company can be closed and reopened. Likewise, if you want to go further with this line of thought. Now you have tools and knowledge that you didn't have before. And yes, your experience is what will give you an advantage over many who are starting their entrepreneurship with no idea of ​​what is coming.

3 points that you must keep in mind to open your new company

·        Analyze your situation well and be sure of everything before returning to the market: make sure you do not need time to rest, reflect, distance yourself a little from the helm of a company. Once you have metabolized it and if you think you are ready, back to action. Certainly, this type of self-examination will take us away from the feeling of disappointment. And its motivation put us in line with what we are going to undertake.

·        Review your old mistakes: why they did not work, what opportunities you should have taken, and what things you are going to do differently. Take advantage of this analysis to discover your strengths and weaknesses. And transform them into tools to apply in your new project.

·        Redeems everything you think went right: q ue you've closed, does not mean that nothing actually serves. Use what you have learned, revive concepts that you consider good, and improve them to create a successful formula.

Conclusion: you can close a business and reopen

The only one who can make faults is the one who does something. So not to feel bad about the past. As we said, no one succeeds without having stumbled. It is true that if you had had everything clearer, you would have avoided opening a company, closing it, and reopening a new one. But that's what life is about. To dream again and to start again!

So don't give up! Many companies that today are an example for others. Those who have this ability because have failed before and have understood where they failed. The important thing about knowing if you can close a business and reopen has the will to make things work this time. And take the second chance to try and do what we needed the first time. In this way, we will achieve success thanks to persistence and perseverance.

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